Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Only Pride Remains! even when ALL IS LOST!

One has heard this proverb, ad nauseum; (especially if one is 30+ and has hence studied languages in the old-school fashion!) : PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL!

Does it really?!

Okay, there is a humbling process, no doubt, which may bring us down to earth, literally and figuratively speaking, for the duration of the fall and its negative after-math, if any!

Then, the self-preservation / survival instinct of this manav-jati called homo sapiens, rightly takes over to reclaim the sense of self-esteem/identity, so essential for being the 'progressive' human!

Okay, vain pride goes out of the window/head! certainly! but there is a deeper inner sense of self-worth; that never goes!

even after multiple falls! what was it that made King Bruce, TRY, TRY AND TRY AGAIN. Okay, apparently, the spider who kept at it! but deeper cause/s? the need to remain exalted in one's own eyes! Why did Abe Lincoln file his election papers for a 17th time, even though he had lost the earlier 16 times?!

What makes Sachin Tendulkar tick even today, 18 years on, and come back with a ferocity which not many youngsters can match (ask Yuvaraj for one! who apparently has no pride in his chosen craft, since he has reserved it for bird-catching only, it looks like! ) in its intensity and enduring charm/impact.

So, don't get put off by such cliches! Dig deep inside yourself (that's used figuratively, of course, aajkal sab cheezon ka double entendre log samajh sakte hain na?!) and look for that flicker/spark/small dissenting voice/angst/'never-give-up' kernel of inspiration!

and then you are the indefatigable one! beaten, maybe; fallen, maybe; many times, but NEVER DEFEATED!


So, let the positive pride/sense of the self, flourish in a healthy manner and quietly let the danube of resolve flow, in your life! NOT ONLY PERSISTENCE BUT POSITIVE INNER-PRIDE (what Ayn rand, so eloquently describes as egoism and not egotism!) ALSO PAYS!

Ting, ti ding ti ding!

Jai ho!

Govinda aala re, aala, zaara matki sambhal brijbaala! (in case you are wondering, this song has no relevance to the above post, other than an expression of the author's happiness at this positive post!)

Kehte hain mujko MAVERICK-SHAMAAN!

1 comment:

Odysseus said...

Wow, great post ! I love the distinction between vain pride and the quiet pride that comes from self esteem and is actually the motivating factor for perhaps the majority of mankind's greatest achievements. I have a theory that one of the best things parents can do for their kids (beside loving them ofcourse ) is to instill a sense of self worth in them. This helps them to succesfully cope with all that a hostile world attempts to throw at them.
I really applaud the spirit that makes a person ' try, try,try again'. As they say , all it takes to succeed is " to get up one more time than the number of times you fall". Sounds simple enough in theory but believe you me its NOT easy to persist with the same level of dedication and enthusiasm in the face of repeated lack of success. Thanks for reminding me !
Looking fwd to more such upbeat and inspiring posts !